Albert Einstein said that learning is experience, while everything else was simply information, therefore, it was possible to differentiate between the true experts in their subjects and those who were not. The word “expert” comes from the Latin “experitus” which means “having experience”, thus, we could not call “expert” someone who has no experience, that is, someone who has not gone from theory to practice . What we are going to see today in this article is how, applied to the commercial field, so-called experts try to sneak their products and services into the market by making them look good.
What is most unworthy of a charlatan is that he is someone who is silent and dignified. “Juan Ramon Jimenez Nobel Prize for Literature”
When we are going to hire a supplier, we must take precautions so as not to be victims of certain errors that will make us fall into the credulity of charlatans, who will give an excellent impression of experience when there is nothing more than ignorance.
The halo effect
Psychologist Edward Thorndike originally referred to this effect, where he said that it was used to improve the corporate image of products and even the physical image of a consultant or sales representative in order to attribute and generate a certain illusion of corporate success in the market. sector. This is where a halo of apparent knowledge is created, taking advantage of the palpable appearance by our senses and wrongly relating it to the quality of the service or product that is being sold. “Few see what we are and everyone sees what we appear to be,” said Niccolò Machiavelli, the same man who maintains that “man is born bad by nature.”
Knowledge is difficult to measure at the supplier contracting stage, the most experienced charlatans take advantage of these effects to manipulate and influence weak minds in order to sell them smoke.
Charlatan Profile
Person who cuts off your interventions, does not let you speak, has a strong and convincing tone of voice, holds a conversation based on his ego, the certifications achieved, the achievements and the places where he has been and where others can hardly be, careful of the way he dresses and the elements he shows to make the best impression, the one that reflects a lifestyle of abundance thanks to his experience, the one that will sneak you in with a nice Power Point presentation and a leather-bound brochure of crocodile. Do you remember treating someone like this?
What you can do to detect fraud
Persuasive interrogation, this is the way in which you will be able to disarm a charlatan and get out of the fraud attempt alive, applying the following techniques:
- False lures:
the moment he tells you about the excellent relationship in the sector, when he tells you about the military, governments, intelligence, large corporations, banks and politicians, create a fictitious character, apparently well known and ask him to see if he pretends to know him.
- Measure Knowledge:
It goes without saying that your LinkedIn profile cannot be trusted, since anyone can place the certification or study they want on it. This measurement must be done on site, asking a question that is as technical as possible. Here there is no excuse that “I’m the salesperson, then you review it with the technicians”, if they are visiting you it is because they have the ability to respond to everything instantly.
- Browse the information on the web:
the appearance has no depth, never forget that, behind every charlatan there is a web page with the best design but lacking in content. Normally you will find images of greatness, such as helicopters, containers, ships and government flags when you enter the section about us, products and services or sectors.
- Ask him for a try-and-buy:
Quacks are usually not going to be able to give you a product or service to try without first negotiating a value for it. The true expert and connoisseur will not be afraid to give you a trial version, a demo or a test so that you can solve a problem without first paying.
- Ask him to tell you about failures:
a charlatan won’t want to divulge his failures, because it’s all about making the best impression to close a sale. A true expert will fearlessly talk about all his failures, prospects who didn’t buy from him, canceled projects, security issues, bugs, and consultancies that didn’t deliver the expected results. Remember that all of us, absolutely all of us, have had setbacks along the way.
Faces we see, hearts we do know
How many times have we heard the opposite? That a person’s face does not reflect the goodness or evil that exists in his heart? I invite you to reflect on it. A person’s face is the window of his soul. interpret their gestures, the way they smile, puff out their chests, shake hands, sit down, speak, blink and many other things that will lead you to use your intuition as a charlatan detector.
(Felipe Riaño, 2019) Take care of your company by learning how to detect a charlatan
NOFRAUD is the company that develops The Fraud Explorer anti-fraud software and supports individuals and companies to face and solve their challenges regarding internal fraud, corruption and corporate abuse. NOFRAUD has created the largest behavioral database of dishonest acts in the world in Spanish and English, which is used by artificial intelligence to find suspicious patterns of corruption within organizations.

We enhance the ability of organizations to increase their profits by removing the possibility for perpetrators to negatively affect revenues through fraud, corruption, corporate abuse and the creation of toxic environments.
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